Personalized board that fits in
Here you can order one or more unique paintings that are created according to your wishes and your home. Together we will mix your ideas with my creativity.
Contact me and I will help you.
Price example
All paintings are unique and we will agree on a price together. Here you can find approximate prices for paintings.
30x40 cm = 1.200 kr
50 x 70 cm = 3.000-3.500 kr
70 x 100 cm = 4.000 - 5.00 kr
100 x 120 cm = 7.000 - 8.000 kr
100 x 150 cm = 8.000 - 10.000 kr
* Paintings with epoxy resin (glossy surface) come with a higher price.
How to order:
You don't need to know exactly what you want, the easiest thing is to contact me and I will help you.
1. We discuss type of board: color, size and feel. Please send a picture of where the painting should sit.
2. We agree on the schedule and price. I will send updates during the painting process where you can like.
3. You pay when you feel 100% satisfied and approve the painting. It is then sent insured to a postal agent or directly to your home.